TD9 Postcode Information
• Towns/Areas in TD9: Abbotrule, Scottish Borders Appletreehall, Scottish Borders Ashybank, Scottish Borders Bedrule, Scottish Borders Bonchester Bridge, Scottish Borders Borthwickbrae, Scottish Borders Borthwickshiels, Scottish Borders Branxholm Bridgend, Scottish Borders Branxholme, Scottish Borders Broadhaugh, Scottish Borders Buccleuch, Scottish Borders Burnfoot, Scottish Borders Castleweary, Scottish Borders Chesters, Scottish Borders Clarilaw, Scottish Borders Cleuch Head, Scottish Borders Craik, Scottish Borders Deanburnhaugh, Scottish Borders Denholm, Scottish Borders Dinlabyre, Scottish Borders Hallrule, Scottish Borders Harwood on Teviot, Scottish Borders Hassendean, Scottish Borders Hawick, Scottish Borders Hermitage, Scottish Borders Hobkirk, Scottish Borders Howpasley, Scottish Borders Hyndlee, Scottish Borders Kirkton, Scottish Borders Knowetownhead, Scottish Borders Larriston, Scottish Borders Linhope, Scottish Borders Minto, Scottish Borders Newcastleton, Scottish Borders Newlands, Scottish Borders Newmill, Scottish Borders Northhouse, Scottish Borders Roberton, Scottish Borders Saughtree, Scottish Borders Shankend, Scottish Borders Singdean, Scottish Borders Southdean, Scottish Borders Steele Road, Scottish Borders Teviothead, Scottish Borders Wilton, Scottish Borders Wolfelee, Scottish Borders
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